Oct 5, 2011

Modern Shamanic Party [Schadenfreude]

unidentified space of vision;

In this modern age, it is hard to reach the state of unconsciousness without being said drunk or crazy or just tripped out. Society mocks those who tried to be spiritual in their own way, and urban culture practice shamanic rituals in the name of recreational drug abuse.

This is my statement in regards of being one of those who tried to spiritually and consciously achieve the shamanistic state of mind. This experiment with sound and noises is my travel guide into the spiritually modern minds.

If you could spare one hour of your time to try and listen to it, I would so much appreciate it. Be at your best convenient time, let loose, and open your mind to get the traveling experience. 

Download Link : http://www.mediafire.com/?t12qrre1krpkxy1


fuck your culture